
Prices for services are listed on the designated page. 
Feel free to contact us directly at (407) 602-5052

Surprise Her! 
(Special Occasion)
Pastry/Sweet Orders
Private Chef Orders

Website Design
App Design
Digital Design

House Cleaning
Dog Training
Rover & Wag Walks
Child Care Services*

All Natural Beauty Products
Great for your skin and
helps your local business owners!

Henna Parties*
Free-hand Inkbox Tattoos*

Maid Special*

*These services are coming soon

Check out lots of opportunities on our Promotions page!

            Do you have a car?
            Do you have spare tim
 Work for FAVOR!
               Make your own hours, work as much or as         little     as you'd like. Get guaranteed shifts at $9/hr
          whether you deliver or not. Perks include 

                discounts on car maintenance, mile trackers,               and more. Promotions include making 55 
            deliveries, getting a guaranteed $500+.

Come to work for VIP Kid!
Pay is between $7-9 per 25-minute class plus $2 per class if you hit a minimum of 45 classes each month and are on time. Most teachers say it equals to roughly $20 an hour figuring that you can do two, 25-minute classes per hour. However, know pay is once a month for the month prior via direct deposit.